28 Apr

Brincliffe Towers

The future of Brincliffe Towers in Chelsea Park is back in the news again. The owners have submitted new proposals for a development of both the Towers and the adjacent site, previously the garden. (These are now on the Council’s Planning website and can be seen under the application reference 15/00740/FUL.) They include substantial alterations to the previous, ill thought out scheme which was withdrawn following widespread objections.

The changes follow the proposals which were put on display in January at the public consultation meeting held in Banner Cross Methodist Church. They include, principally:

  1. The development of The Towers into one dwelling. 2. The demolition of the 1950s extension to the Towers. 3. The redevelopment of the old coach house into 3/4 apartments. 4. The erection of 3 new houses in the site of the old gardens – not 4 as in the previous plans. 5. The use of the current drive to provide access to the Towers and the new houses. The wall along Brincliffe Edge Road will not be touched.

The new plans have clearly been designed to address some of the major objections to the original proposals. However, there remain other questions and observations to what has been published which should attract attention, including:

  1. One of the major objections to the previous plans was the effect on the environment in this conservation area. Evidence of bats lodging in the coach house was found by a resident using a bat detector but this was denied by the architect. However, the new ‘Design and Access Statement’ (D&AS) [para 2.1.4] appears now to recognise this possibility when it says: “It is conceivable that there are endangered species on the site and a separate Ecological Report is required to supplement this statement and is therefore provided within this application.” However, no Ecology Report has been included with the documents online.
  2. The use of the current driveway to provide access to the Towers and the new housing development creates its own difficulties. There will be a total of 15 car parking spaces, all vehicles using the current entrance onto Brincliffe Edge Road. The D&AS [para. 4.5] says that “…all developments that generate significant amounts of movement should be supported by a Transport Statement or Transport Assessment. Decision should take account of whether safe and suitable access can be achieved for all people …” However, no Transport Statement or Assessment has been included with the documents online.
  3. The D&AS {para. 4.16} recognises that “Applicants should work closely with those directly affected by their proposals to evolve designs that take account of the view of the community.” In fact, there has been only one communication with members of the community; the meeting at the Banner Cross Church where plans were put on view. The D&AS [para 5.2] says that “This application is accompanied by a Statement of Community.” However, no such Statement has been included with the documents online.
  4. A Heritage Statement has been provided on the council’s website with the application. However, it appears that this is the same statement that was drawn up for the original scheme. It continues to talk of 4 new houses being built in the grounds [paras. 4.8; 4.18; 4.32; 5.20; 5.22; 5.23; 5.24; 6.4] when the new application is for 3 houses. Also, it talks of demolishing part of the wall along Brincliffe Edge Road [paras. 4.40; 4.46; 5.21] whereas the new application is to leave the wall intact. It seems a little sloppy to say the least that these errors have not been corrected in a new Heritage Statement.
  5. The Neighbour Notification Details significantly do not include this time, as they did before, the provision of public notices around the site. Letters were sent out to only 26 local residents advising that a new application had been lodged but not notices have been placed on posts.

There are other questions and issues to raise, not least about the importance of the conservation area and the protection it provides and also the force, if it exists, of any condition attached to the sale of the house and grounds by the council requiring it to be for “the benefit of the local community” as was stipulated in the original gift of the property to the council in 1925.

However, the important point to make now is that any comments or objections must be received by 7 May. A notification letter sent to the 26 residents is attached to this email along with the Design & Access Statement. It is recommended that anyone wishing to comment should go to the council’s Planning website first to see the design drawings and read the full list of documents provided. As before, this email address may be used to receive comments.

Design & access statement

Neighbour notification details


We are being asked by a number of people about the movements going on at the Gilders site. It appears on the face of it that something is about to happen. In fact, there is nothing to report other than there is nothing to report.

Gilders have been trying for some time to find another site where they can store and valet cars to replace the Banner Cross site which would then be put up for development and it has always been their intention to replace the old wire fencing with boards to make a more attractive frontage. However, they have found it impossible to get somewhere else that is suitable so they thought that they should simply get on with putting up the boards in the meantime.

The removal of the boulders in the front corner of the site actually doesn’t signify anything. They have done it to provide a better access for site deliveries which could potentially be used if and when the site comes up for development. That is still some way off as it will require a new planning application and that itself depends on a successful outcome to discussions with any potential buyers. Nothing has come close to a decision yet so the position of the site at this point remains just the same.

Viv Lockwood

Secretary, Banner Cross Neighbourhood Group

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